
Articles Posted in Banking


Pezzulli Presents State Bar of Texas Webinar: Parallel Prosecution

Michael Pezzulli conducted a live webinar for the State Bar of Texas on a popular topic, “Criminal Law and Civil Litigators: A Review of Three Little Known Federal Statutes and Parallel Prosecution” in March 2019. Attorneys with civil audit cases with a potential risk of criminal prosecution need to be…


Cash Is King … Sometimes

by Michael Pezzulli The phrase “Cash is King” evokes warm feelings from most people in the business world. However, anyone engaged in business must understand that failing to follow the rules imposed by the U.S. federal government will create a situation where cash is definitely not king. How you handle…


Criminal Law and Civil Litigators: A Review of Three Little Known Federal Statutes and Parallel Prosecution

By Michael Pezzulli and Charles J. Fortunado State Bar of Texas: Advanced Creditors’ Rights presentation – September, 1996 In the past ten years, the gulf between criminal practice and civil practice has narrowed considerably.There are several causes for this. One is the explosion of white collar criminal litigation. More pervasive…


Personal Property and Real Estate Foreclosure Laws in Texas

By Michael Pezzulli Business and Consumer Litigation Practice Skills Course presented to The State Bar of Texas, June 2016 Texas is extraordinarily lender-friendly when compared to other states. The ease with which a lender can gain title to a borrower’s real estate through nonjudicial foreclosure in Texas is unrivaled. Lenders…


An Ill Wind Blows Into Town: U.S. Supreme Court Rules State Courts Have Concurrent Jurisdiction Over RICO Claims

By Michael F. Pezzulli Discussion of the U.S. Supreme Court decision relating to concurrent jurisdiction in Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) claims. Presented to Dallas Bar Association, Business Litigation Section. Federal courts are turning increasing attention to the continuity of the pattern of racketeering activity. The United States Supreme Court…

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